
It Takes Two to Tango

That’s right, I feel another analogy coming on. Remember back in High School how excited we’d get when it was time for the school dance? We spent hours getting ready, danced in front of the mirror and dreamt of that certain someone asking us to dance.

Now some of us were Go-Getters and had no hesitation in grabbing a partner to dance. Others were referred to as "Posers" (and you know who you are) who stood against the wall with their arms crossed, waiting for someone to ask.

Bartering is the same. Some people have no reservations on contacting as many people as possible. They don’t get discouraged if their offer is declined because they know there are many other opportunities.

Then there are those that get excited at the notion of bartering and usually do a lot of browsing. They probably even come across a few deals that sound interesting but for one reason or another, they decide to wait.

Now of course this doesn’t apply to people who are completely new to bartering. Their browsing is more of a learning process until their ready to start.

What we need to remember is that the most important part of bartering is communication. It doesn’t work if you’re waiting around for someone to make the move. Granted, bartering may not be for everyone but when I come across someone saying, “Bartering didn’t work for me,” I tend to wonder if they were a Poser.

What I’d like to ask them is this. Did you make your offer attractive or did you supply minimal information? Unless you’re in a niche market, you’re probably competing with many others offering the same service. What made your offer stand out?

If given the option, did you add photos to your listing? Curiosity makes more people view listings with photos, than without.

Did you check in often and if so, did you contact anyone? You could be passing up a great deal. Some people are open to many trade offers, what’s the worst they can say? There’s more to bartering than just “signing up.” Offers won’t just fall onto your lap; you have to go get them. If there’s no effort made, then there’s no success.

If you’re a Go-Getter, than all the more power to you. If you’ve just come to the healthy conclusion that you may have poser like qualities, then don’t just stand there…bust a move.


Is Bartering for You?

When some people hear the word barter, thoughts come to mind like “Times must be tough,” but this isn’t always true. Yes, bartering is a great way to conserve your cash flow when you’re on a budget but there are other benefits to bartering than just saving money.

Bartering is a smart solution if you’re a business owner holding excess inventory. You can trade your surplus with other business owners offering services or products you require.

If you’re contemplating on selling your vehicle, you can eliminate the selling and buying process by bartering for the vehicle you’re after.

If you own a vacation home that’s in need of a few repairs, you can barter with a plumber or an electrician for example. You offer accommodations for a vacation/weekend getaway and they in return supply their services.

Another example is one of our members who are offering an HDTV in return for a vacation stay. Now that’s a win-win situation.

The most important thing to remember is that it takes two to tango. Don't sit around waiting for someone to contact you. Initiate a few deals and start the ball rolling.

The great thing about bartering is that you’re only limited by your imagination. Regardless of what proposition you have in mind, there will always be someone interested in what you have to offer.
Auto Trader Online

If you’ve ever tried to sell a bike, boat or car, you know all about haggling. Sure some people enjoy it but many of us get irritated when we’re offered a ridiculous amount of money for something we paid our hard earned cash on. Granted you don’t use the vehicle much anymore, but it's still like new!

If you’re lucky, you sell it for close to value. If you’ve had your fill of haggling, you usually do one of two things. Hang on to the vehicle; knowing full well that someone could have really used it or you sell it for much less than you felt it was worth. If you opted for the latter, you probably felt like you were throwing your money away.

The benefit of trading is that your item will hold more of its value. Both parties receive an item they truly want, otherwise there is no deal. It also didn't cost either one of you a penny.

If you’re bartering for a vehicle that is worth more than yours, then that’s when the boot kicks in. I’ll take your vehicle and give you mine, plus $2,000 to boot.

You may feel that your vehicle is worth more because of the money and time you've spent customizing. But what it's worth to you and what it’s really worth, are two different things. You have to be realistic in your expectations. Let’s face it; you know you’ll never get back what you paid for it. With bartering, you won’t get the money back that you invested in the vehicle but you will get more value in return. Now time to trade that bike for the car you want.


Feeling the Effects of Chistmas?

You're not alone. Although the holidays are a special time to be with the ones we love and show them how much we care, most of us seem to suffer from post-traumatic holiday disorder shortly thereafter. We're no longer waiting for cards or cookies from the mailman, we know exactly what he has for us.

But just because you're keeping a good eye on the budget, that doesn't mean you have to go without. 'Tis certainly the season to barter for you or your family's needs. Most small businesses slow down this time of year and owners may be willing to barter for your professional services.

Reciprocal bartering doesn't necessarily have to be of equal value either. The one who provides the lesser value can have the difference paid in cash, still saving a substantial amount. A successful barter can also open up a new business relationship for future trades, saving you even more in the long run.

So while your using your gifts from under the tree, don't forget to use the other gifts you have as well...your skills and your imagination.

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