
Feeling the Effects of Chistmas?

You're not alone. Although the holidays are a special time to be with the ones we love and show them how much we care, most of us seem to suffer from post-traumatic holiday disorder shortly thereafter. We're no longer waiting for cards or cookies from the mailman, we know exactly what he has for us.

But just because you're keeping a good eye on the budget, that doesn't mean you have to go without. 'Tis certainly the season to barter for you or your family's needs. Most small businesses slow down this time of year and owners may be willing to barter for your professional services.

Reciprocal bartering doesn't necessarily have to be of equal value either. The one who provides the lesser value can have the difference paid in cash, still saving a substantial amount. A successful barter can also open up a new business relationship for future trades, saving you even more in the long run.

So while your using your gifts from under the tree, don't forget to use the other gifts you have as well...your skills and your imagination.


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