
Barter Terms You May Come Across

So you've decided to start bartering and now you'd like to learn the lingo. Two terms you might run across are "the boot" and the "horse trader".

The boot is something you throw in to make a trade equal for both parties. Let's say you are trading for a $1000 computer and are willing to do some renovations for it. The renovations are only worth $800. How do you make the trade equal so both parties have a fair trade? Throw in that extra TV you never use or even cash to even the trade. "I'll do the reno work for you and throw in a 28" TV or $200 cash to boot". Done deal!

A horse trader is someone who has a real knack for setting up deals with three people or more. For example you have a mechanic, a radio station and a website designer. The mechanic is looking to run $2000 worth of radio ads, letting customers know he is opening another garage on the otherside of town. The radio station wants someone to update their website and add some new features. Website guy is great with computers but has never been very good with cars and he knows his transmission is slipping, better get it fixed soon.

A horse trader can look at what people are offering and what they want in return, putting a deal forward to solve all their needs. Being a horse trader is a real art and if you ever find someone who has the gift, be sure to keep them updated on your wants and needs. The horse trader could be the mechanic, ad guy at the radio station or the website designer. Whoever puts the deal together is the horse trader.

If there are any other terms you are unsure of, ask us here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time I've heard of these terms.

8:52 PM  

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