
Hustle and Bustle

Consumer online christmas shopping is expected to increase by 25% this holiday season . Why? The convenience.

Everyone hates the long line-ups in busy stores and the majority of us procrastinate, avoiding the inevitable...The Mall!

Not all people are comfortable using their credit card online however and not all people have the convenience of one so they don't have a choice but to get in line.

Now if you're on a budget this holiday season and you've got some time to spare, consider bartering with small business owners.

Post a trade on an online barter site and offer to do all, or some of their Christmas shopping in return for services, gift certificates or products. Relieving some of the stress of running around finding the perfect gift, is well worth the barter for some business owners. All you need to spend on the presents you receive in return, is a little of your time.

If you're a creative person, you can offer advice or suggestions on gift ideas for that special someone and if you've got a knack for wrapping gifts, then you can include all of these services in your barter proposition.

Now if you're getting gifts in return that will make the faces of your loved ones light up, then it may just be worth the hustle and bustle.

Do you have other creative ideas for saving a few bucks during the holiday season? Share them with us!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've done this in the past with my hairdresser,she gave me a gift certifacate that i gave to my mother as a was fun and i think more people should do it

3:58 PM  

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